Thursday, July 2, 2009

A Great Man On Earth, The Signature Name Of Music, A Brilliant Mind For Good Deeds

There's no earthly way of knowing
What was in your heart
When it stopped going
The whole world shook
A storm was blowing through you

Waiting for God to stop this
And up to your neck in darkness
Everyone around you was corrupted
"Say something!!!"

There's no dignity in death
To sell the world your last breath

I saw you standing at the gates
When people you knew passed away
You had that look upon your face
Advertising space
No one learned from your mistakes
We let our prophets go to waste
All that's left in any case
Is advertising space

Through your eyes the world was burning
"Please be gentle I'm still learning"
You seemed to say as you kept turning up

They poisoned you with compromise
At what point did you realise
That everybody loves your life but you

A special agent for the man
Through Watergate and Vietnam
No one really gave a damn
Do you think the CIA did?

I''ve seen your daughter man she's cute
I was scared but I wanted to
Boy she looks a lot like you...

Dedicated to Dearest Michael Jackson, who was more than a king of pop, more than an artist, more than an idol and more than a man to me. (Original Song by Robbie Williams)

With all my heart, and tears, Shiva

11:30 P.M.
Thursday, July 01, 2009

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I'm officially down.

Something enormous and coarse, something hollow but huge is making me choke and I think I'm drowning hopelessly.

I wonder what happens to the rest of the people? You know the rest of the people who are not included as superheroes or superheroines or lovebirds?

People love fairy tales; they love those who fall for each other in stories and lovesongs. People want happy endings and joyfull lines. They want beautiful lovers and handsome admirers. They wait for the girl to meet the boy who has desperately waited for her, The One, to come along so they can live happily ever after.

But what about those who do not find the one that's been waiting for them? What if there Is no one waiting for them? What happens to the people who wait their lifetime for the one they love only to see them live happily ever after, with the other one?

There are not always those two items who find each other and then know that's what they want. There live poeple, everyday, who are chasing the trails of somebody's eyes. Those who sleep another night to the next morning just to see one pair of eyes that never, never have been fixed on their owns, to see the hands that have never outstretched for them, and the feet that have never come to move towards them.

What happens to the rest of us that are waiting, still waiting for the one to come?

My mind has been twisting around these days. I wonder what does this all mean if we're not supposed to care for someone? Or in this case, care for someone who can't/doesn't/won't return it? That has to be the most pointless thing to do unconditionally, having your breath taken away by someone who doesn't even know you exist.

Obviously enough, many of us never find the ones.

They should refuse to give up. They can not surrender, not in this case, but putting on the tough, brave mask will be sucking the life out of them. It will creep up their soul and cripple them gradually to the point they won't realize it; and what happens then, is that they become like everone else. Stereotypical, Repetitious, Cliched.

P.S.: I can't act; and I still haven't gotten to the point where I need people's sympathy. Just don't ask me for happy endings, cause I'm working on my start, still.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009
12 p.m.

Monday, April 20, 2009

It Does Not Sound Right

My heart is not pumping, my hands are so cold
I'm shaking inside, but my soul isn't sold
It's almost like death, it's almost like life
It's turning me round, and it cuts like a knife
It feels like a love, but it's cold as it’s been
It must be a crime; oh it must be a sin
I don't want to feel any more of this stress
My mind says "oh no!", But my heart's saying "yes"
This new emotion, this feeling of mine
It makes me worship, and it makes you divine
And I swear that I know it's not all and all right
I tried to forget, but it's too good a sight
It's crazy, insane, it is not making sense
It's like yearning the grass which is outside the fence
I'm making this image of you in my mind
You're gliding in it, I hardly grind
Now I'm falling down low, and you're rising up high
But I can't justify, no I won't justify

by : Me

8:30 p.m.
Saturday, April 18, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Dilemmas, Wishes, Me

I don't know if you think you and me have things in common or we don't.
I don't know, we could have.
Or if you think you and me are far away from each other.
I don't know, we could be.
In fact, if you look closely, all the people have one thing in common. They are all selfish. Selfish and alone. Loneliness is probably the biggest thing human beings have in common.

It's satisfying to write your daily thoughts here or somewhere that can be read by people. The thoughts that are sometimes too gigantic to fit into my mind and sometime as small as the hazelnut I'm now having and I don't think reading the words of an Iranian muslim who only has a high school diploma will change a thing in the world 'cause no one believes in these words anymore.
But there's always a first time and maybe there will be an alteration in you after reading these but that's something I don't know.

Don't you get frustrated when you don't know the answer to a question? That is my biggest concern. From "Has Rihanna released a new album?" to "Can the world be changed with a keyboard and a plain web page?" and I'm not Stephen Hawking so I can't figure everything out and you don't know how much I love to do things people usually don't think about.

Actually the world can not change. I mean for now and "for now" equals a zillion years and that's the math language of the man of 2009.

It probably sounds like a cliche or a phony attitude, but I would really like to bring peace to nations. If not that huge, to my own family and gang of friends. It may sound over-reaching but my biggest wish is that there will be a day when people are living in one standard level of wealth and health. I know it's a lot to wish for, but daily, there are a lot of things we CAN do but we DON'T, and why that is, is a question that I've been always asking myself.

Think about it, in a simple ordinary day of yours, what are the things you can do and you don't? Can you not talk back to someone who insults you? Can you smile back to someone you don't see as good as yourself? Can you take time to say hi back to someone if that's what it takes to make them happpy?
Can you do the littlest things to bring love on earth?...

P.S. "What we are now is the result of what we have thought." Budha

10 p.m.
Wednesday, April 15 , 2009

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Change, Regret, Reset

I'm perfectly happy with who I am but sometimes, I feel regrets for the things I did; the things I said that maybe changed someone's path for bad.
Lucas Scott once said: "Regret comes in all shapes and sizes. Some are small like when we do a bad thing for a good reason; some are bigger like when you let down a friend. But our biggest regrets are not for the things we did, but for the things we didn't do, things we didn't say that could've saved someone that we care about."
All of a sudden we all changed. Some are still the same, pretending to be different because they never were. Some are struggling with the pain of the past trying to forget it to escape the sorrow of tomorrow. Some are lonely and trying to find something about them which could be seen by others. Life can be really cruel and we all know: "If we fight life, it always wins."
I also changed, I became larger than life. It was like when people walk into the light and in my case, the light was my mighty belief. I'm living life like never before and I don't think there's one single person out there who comprehends what I really try to express.

P.S . When I write, I forget all about punctuation. That doesn't sound right, does it now?

7:04 p.m.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009